For up to 80% of individuals who experience migraine headaches, light can trigger or worsen them. Many migraine sufferers spend a flare-up in bed with the lights off and the curtains drawn to help prevent light from peeking in causing overstimulation. How does light play a role in migraine headaches, and what can you do…
The Best Lighting for Industrial Facilities
Lighting fixtures and energy costs make up a fair size of the budget for any business. Whether you are choosing industrial lighting for the first time or considering recommissioning to reduce energy costs, selecting the right types of commercial lighting can be a challenge. This blog outlines the most popular types of lights for a…
5 Steps to Childproof Your Home Against Electrical Hazards
As a parent, one of your biggest nightmares is if your children came across a faulty electrical appliance and they got hurt. As if to make matters worse, this nightmare actually happens way too often to parents. The Electrical Safety Foundation International reports that every year, 2,400 children are victims of electrical accidents in the…
How to Save Energy in Commercial Buildings
Energy consumption is a huge topic of discussion across the United States. As homeowners realize the benefits of conserving energy, they’re updating their appliances, choosing LED lighting, and taking more eco-friendly measures. While it’s important to focus on saving energy in our homes, the same goes for commercial properties. As businesses across the country use…
What is a Smart Home and Why Do You Need One?
A smart home is home automation associated with the Internet of Things (IoT). It connects internet-ready home systems, devices, and appliances to a central point, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Smart homes have become increasingly popular, especially as the technology associated with IoT has matured. Today, thanks to IoT, we are offered a…
Are Programmable Thermostats Worth It?
Whether it’s noticeable or not, thermostats are given more attention than almost anything else in a person’s home. Every homeowner worries how much money they’re spending on their power and gas bills, which are directly impacted by a house’s air conditioner and furnace. An outdated thermostat might improperly measure the temperature inside a home, causing…
Why You Should Never Try DIY Electrical Repairs
DIY home repairs can be fun and cheap, especially now when tutorials are easily accessible online. In fact, 55% of homeowners will attempt to complete unfinished home projects and repairs. However, of this number, only 31% manage to do it successfully. Squeaky doors, leaking faucets, clogged toilet and applying paint are some of the things…
Top Reasons to Get a Programmable Light System
Since the widespread adoption of electricity in the United States, wall-mounted switches have been common. However, this isn’t the only option. Today, with digital assistants like Alexa, Google Home, and Siri, it is easier than ever to install programmable lighting systems that you can control from anywhere! Programmable lighting systems give you options and capabilities…
The Benefits of LED Lighting
LED lighting has quickly become the preferred lighting choice in society today due to its affordability, efficiency and overall energy savings. Home and business owners alike are making the change and upgrading their old fluorescent and incandescent lights to new LED fixtures. Studies have shown LED lights are 80% more efficient with only 5% of…
What to do in an Electrical Emergency
Do you know what to do in an electrical emergency? Electrical appliances have become a major part of our everyday life. We are never fully prepared for accidents. In case of an emergency requiring first responders, call 911 immediately. It is important to have a professional electrician in mind for preventative measures in the future…